Our Activities
Full Moon Meditations
Monthly Group Meditations
Full Moon Meditations Schedule for 2002
Why the Full Moon?
Monthly Group Meditations
Many Pranic Healers around the world practice the Meditation on Twin Hearts for Peace and Illumination on every full moon day. The Full Moon is a special time when our aura increases in size and the effects of our meditation are wonderfully amplified. It is a form of world service because it helps to heal and harmonize the earth by blessing it with loving-kindness, peace, joy and goodwill. Practice of this meditation also brings healing, harmony, peace, love, abundance and power to the practitioner. “It is in giving that we receive!” The effect of this meditation is much greater when a group of people meditate together.
The Twin Hearts Meditation developed by Master Choa Kok Sui can be practiced by anyone with little-to-no effort. Pranic healers, their family members and friends – all are welcome to participate!
Winter timings (November to February): 6:00 p.m.
Summer timings (March to October): 6.30 p.m.
For exact venue please contact the PHFD office.
Full Moon Meditations Schedule for 2002
Why the Full Moon?
The energies of light and love and the will-to-do-good are always available to those who can contact them in meditation. But in all aspects of our planetary life there are cycles and one of the major energy cycles coincides with the phases of the moon, reaching its peak at the time of the full moon. This is a time, therefore, when the channelling of energy through group meditation can be uniquely effective.
The moon itself has no influence on the work; but the fully-lighted orb of the moon indicates a free and unimpeded alignment between our planet and the sun, the solar centre, the energy source for all life on Earth. At such times we can make a definite approach to God, the Creator, the Centre of Life and Intelligence. That this realization is part of humanity’s ancient intuitive understanding is verified by the many religious festivals which are fixed by reference to the moon or a zodiacal constellation.
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